Croakey has served splendidly as an independent voice in the health policy arena. It provided a forum for people with ideas and passion about health, especially from a social perspective and policy position, but always with humane concern can find a home. We wish the re-platformed Croakey every success.
Croakey is one of the few places where public health “activists” can vent their spleen. (I’m not sure why we’re called ‘activists’, but we certainly need a place to ‘vent’.) It’s also a useful place for journalists/media to find contacts who can speak intelligently on public health issues.
Loved the program. Love the Croakey news service – think it really gives the conference a bigger audience!
Great event and extensive social media coverage
If news doesn’t make you squirm it’s simply propaganda. Croakey’s unique blend of activism, humour and plain good reporting makes it an essential – if not always comfortable – read!
Croakey Health Media has been a valuable partner of the Global Health program at the School of Public Health, University of Sydney, for the last few years. I greatly appreciate Croakey’s contribution to our educational program and the efforts to inspire and engage youth to improve health systems.
With Dr Melissa Sweet’s outstanding supervision, our students have contributed to various media projects on the pressing issues facing Australian society, such as the climate and health dialogue before the 2022 Federal Election, and climate and housing issues for people with mental health. I can see that addressing health inequity is a clear focus of Croakey’s.
The coverage of Indigenous voices in climate and health conversations at Croakey is notably much stronger than the other mainstream media. I would be more hopeful of achieving a sustainable health future for all if we had more health media like Croakey.
Croakey Health Media is an outstanding service and team. They covered our 2023 Planetary Health Equity Hothouse Policy Symposium, generating incredible communication about complex issues in easily digestible ways and with massive reach. We are incredibly lucky to have Croakey Health Media – access to reliable, quality public interest journalism is vital for democracy. I would highly recommend this service and team.
Croakey allows for independent voices to resonate in and through virtual time and space. Real people, real voices, real issues with independent oomph – that’s Croakey. Time and again I go to Croakey to understand the politics behind public health because Croakey sorts the wheat from the chaff. There is just one mob of journos to trust with my voice, and it’s the Croakey mob. In the surreal and disconnected world of academia I go to Croakey to get grounded in the real issues.
From a crowded inbox, Croakey always leaps to my attention. It delivers views and information on a wide range of issues of relevance to rural and remote health and wellbeing.
Croakey provides a rare platform to explore public health issues from a range of perspectives. Melissa and Marie have supported #cripcroakey, a series of articles about disability and health, at a time of profound change in disability policy that needs scrutiny and analysis. Croakey’s backing of writers from diverse backgrounds is a fantastic addition to Australian media.